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SFERS, CalPERS, and other California public retirement systems provide “reciprocal” retirement benefits. Under reciprocity, you may combine credited service earned under each reciprocal retirement system to qualify for retirement in each plan. Generally, the eligibility criteria seen below qualify for reciprocity under SFERS:

Eligibility for Reciprocity under SFERS

Make an Election for Reciprocity

Coming to work for the City

If you terminated employment from a reciprocal retirement system within six (6) months of being hired in a SFERS covered position, you can make an election for reciprocity during the new member enrollment process.

Leaving City employment

For a list of reciprocal retirement systems, reference page 16 in the CalPERS’ When You Change Retirement Systems Guide. (The CalPERS When You Change Retirement Systems Guide is published by CalPERS. SFERS cannot guarantee the accuracy of its content).

SFERS does not have a reciprocal agreement with the University of California Retirement Plan, Judges Retirement System (JRS), Legislator’s Retirement System, State Teacher’s Retirement System, or Federal Employees’ Retirement System