New Members
Welcome to SFERS! Retirement is a major milestone and it is never too early to start planning for that day.
As a member in SFERS, you have access to two benefit programs:
- A Pension Plan (defined benefit plan): provides service retirement benefits calculated using a formula based on age at retirement, years of service and final compensation.
- A 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (defined contribution plan): allows participants to acquire additional tax deferred retirement savings through voluntary contributions designed to supplement your pension benefits

Start your path to a securer tomorrow with these five (5) steps:
1) Contact SFERS to Receive your New Member Enrollment Packet
Discover the benefits of SFERS membership
- Email us at [email protected] to request your New Member Enrollment Packet
- Complete and submit your New Member Enrollment Packet according to the instructions provided
2) Enroll in the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (SFDCP)
Compliment your pension benefits
- Gain additional tax deferred retirement savings
- Learn more about the SFDCP
3) Register for MySFERS (Secure Member Portal)
Eligible 30 days after enrollment. Simple and secure offering 24/7 access to…
- Individual Account Information
- Benefits Modeling Calculator
- Online Service Purchase Application
- Contribution Balance
- Termination Options
- SFERS Forms and Statements
- Online Appointment Scheduler
Register here to access mySFERS for the first time
4) Attend a “Path to Retirement” Seminar
Learn about…
- Your SFERS Benefits
- The Deferred Compensation Plan (SFDCP)
- Service Purchase Opportunities
- Termination Options (vesting, reciprocity, refunds)
- Survivor Benefits
Look here for a schedule of dates and times
5) Visit the SFERS Resource Center
Tools and materials to help you navigate the retirement process from start to end.
To learn more about the benefits of SFERS, select the link for your membership group below