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Contact Us

This is your SFERS!  We are here to assist you.  

Office Hours

Our office is open for walk-in service and by appointment from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on TuesdayWednesday, and Thursday.


The San Francisco Retirement System is located on Market Street between 7th & 8th Streets, across from United Nations Plaza.

Wheelchair-accessible parking is located in the vicinity of 1145 Market Street at Civic Center Plaza. Accessible MUNI lines are available at the intersections of Market Street and Civic Center/UN Plaza and Market and 8th Streets. The closest BART station is Civic Center Station.

Website Resources

Before contacting us, consider exploring the vast resources available on our website. We have provided links to a few of our most popular topics below.  If you do not find what you are looking for, contact us at the email address or telephone numbers following the links.

The San Francisco Health Services System (HSS) administers health and dental benefits for active and retired SFERS members. Health Services initiates deductions for premium payments, if any, from your pension check and answers questions regarding premiums. For questions about health benefits, visit the HSS website at or call (628) 652-4700. SFERS does not have access to any health benefit information.
Your username ID for the member portal is your DSW (Disaster Service Worker) number. Your password is the one you use to access the employee portal.

If you know your DSW number and need help resetting your password, please contact the Department of Technology Help Desk at (628) 652-5000.

If you have forgotten or do not know your DSW number, you can look it up from the City’s Employee Portal login page: “First time registration for Retirees, City College or SFUSD.

If you do not have a DSW number, email us at [email protected] to request one.

For additional assistance with logging into mySFERS, please visit the Introduction to mySFERS page, or mySFERS FAQs for log in instructions.
Members are required to maintain a current address with SFERS. This ensures that you receive important Plan information timely, including your benefit payments and annual tax reporting documents.

If you are an active member, contact your department’s Human Resources or Payroll personnel to update your address.  It may take up to two (2) pay periods to display your new address in the member portal.

If you are a retired member, log in to mySFERS member portal using your DSW number and select the “Change Address” link on your Dashboard page. If you need assistance logging in to the member portal, please see the FAQ above.

Alternatively, you can submit a completed, signed SFERS Change of Address form by mail to SFERS, 1145 Market Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 or you can deliver the form to our drop box on the 6th Floor of 1145 Market Street, which is accessible Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
If you are planning to leave employment with an employer covered by SFERS membership before you are qualified to retire for service, please click on the following link to review your options: Leaving City Employment.  Once you have decided on an option for your account balance, log in to mySFERS to download, complete, and submit the Termination Options Form.  Your signature on the form must be notarized. If you wish to have your signature witnessed in person instead of a notary, please contact us at [email protected] or 415-487-7000 to schedule an appointment.
The City offers a voluntary 457(b) deferred compensation plan for its employees called the San Francisco Deferred Compensation Plan. To learn more and to enroll, please visit or call 415-487-7500.

If you are employed by City College or the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD), contact your department’s Human Resources or Payroll personnel for other retirement savings opportunities. Employees of City College and SFUSD cannot participate in the City’s Deferred Compensation Plan.
The amount of contributions made to SFERS is mandated by the City Charter and members cannot increase or decrease these contributions. There are no loan or withdrawal provisions and members cannot access their contributions during employment.

You can learn more about SFERS contribution rates here: Active Members.  Locate your plan, click on “View Plan Details”, and then click on “See Your Contribution Rate”.
Visit the Active Members section on the SFERS website to find information about membership, contributions, and benefits. Identify your membership group and select “View Plan Details”. You can also find a summary of your plan provisions in the Summary of Key Plan Provisions for your plan.
Visit the “Resources” menu to find a variety of tools and materials that can help you plan and prepare for retirement including videos and FAQs. You can also register to attend one of our popular retirement planning webinars.

Retired Members and Continuants Only

To have your benefit deposited directly into your bank account, download and complete an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form, and submit it to SFERS according to the instructions provided. For more information, visit the Direct Deposit page.

After you and your financial institution have completed the form, please return the completed, signed original form via US mail to: SFERS, 1145 Market Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103; or deliver your form to our drop box on the 6th Floor of 1145 Market Street, which is accessible Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

SFERS requires the original form and we do not accept copies via e-mail or fax.

EFT Forms received by the 10th of the month will take effect for that month’s benefit payment.  EFT Forms received after the 10th of the month will get processed for the following month’s benefit payment.
If you live abroad, SFERS offers the option to receive your retirement allowance via international wire transfer. For more information, visit the Direct Deposit page.
You can change your withholding from your SFERS pension by downloading and completing a Federal Tax Withholding Form and State Tax Withholding Form. Submit the forms to SFERS according to the instructions provided on the back of the form.
– SFERS can only withhold taxes for California
– After completing the forms, please return the completed, signed original form(s) via US mail to: SFERS, 1145 Market Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103; or deliver the forms to our drop box on the 6th Floor of 1145 Market Street, which is accessible Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
– SFERS cannot assist you in completing tax forms because we are not able to provide tax advice or interpret these forms for you. The instructions provided with the form explain how the IRS and Franchise Tax Board calculate withholding based on the information entered on the form. Please consult your financial advisor or tax preparer to determine how to complete the form to withhold the desired amount.
1099Rs are mailed and made available in the portal by January 31st each year.  We will post an announcement on our website in mid-January when forms are available.  Advice Notices are available after the first of each month. To obtain a copy of your 1099R or Advice Notice, log in to mySFERS member portal, and from the Profile menu, select “1099R Form” or “Advice Notice” to view or print a copy.
SFERS does not have access to information regarding your W-2 form.  Please contact your prior departmental Payroll Officer to obtain a copy.

Contact us by email at [email protected] to:

Please allow up to 2 business days for a reply.

Website Support

Instructions to access mySFERS

Media Inquiries

[email protected]

Telephone Numbers

Call our main telephone number for recorded information and to leave a message. Please allow up to 2 business days for a reply.

General Information

Death Notification

(415) 487-7553

Replace a Lost Check or Initiate/Change Direct Deposit

(415) 487-7542

Deferred Compensation

(415) 487-7500

Forms and Documents

To return completed forms and documents to SFERS

San Francisco Deferred Compensation Plan

For questions about your deferred compensation account or to enroll in the plan, visit or call (415) 487-7500.