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The San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System is pleased to offer all members, 24/7 access to individual account information, online statements, and forms. Active members can utilize our two modeling calculators to help plan their retirement.

This page will address some of the FAQs we receive about mySFERS and the plans that are offered.


A: For help resetting your password, please contact the Department of Technology Help Desk at (628) 652-5000.
If you are retired, a continuant, or a separated member and you do not have a DSW number, please email us at [email protected].
A: A record of your email address is located on the Dashboard screen of your mySFERS account. You can update it anytime.
A: Yes, as long as you have access to the internet, you should be able to access your mySFERS account. Please make sure to update your address with the Retirement System.
A:  When calculating service credit, keep these factors in mind:
You begin earning service credit as of your membership date (located on the dashboard screen.)

Service is credited to you according to the number of hours worked and paid in a fiscal year (July 1 – June 30.)

See your “Summary of Key Plan Provisions” (SPP) for SFERS’ service credit formula. 
A: Your annual compensation for the current year is the amount you have earned as of the fiscal year-to-date. Annual compensation is updated bi-weekly according to payroll records. Please note that your compensation displayed in mySFERS is lagged by one pay period, so it does not reflect earnings from the pay period immediately prior to the “as of” date.
A: If you are experiencing a printing issue from mySFERS, it may be related to your browser settings.
A:  Yes. You must certify that you agree with the SFERS disclaimers and privacy disclosures related to the member only portal before you are allowed to access it.
A: When you retire from SFERS, there is a period of about 4 – 6 weeks during which you transition from an active member to a retired member. During this transition period (from “active” status to “retired” status), you will either remain in the system as an active member, or you will not have access to mySFERS. Once you attain retired status (receive your first retirement allowance) you will be able to log into mySFERS as a retired member using your DSW number and password.
A: We provide member documents for the most current year only and then subsequent years, starting when you first logged in to mySFERS. Member documents include annual statements for active members, and 1099R forms and advice notices for retired members. Each member will accumulate an archive of documents as they are generated going forward.
A:   The SFERS website is built to work best in the latest desktop browsers. Older browsers might display differently, but should offer full functionality for most components. We support the latest versions of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Chromium and Chrome for Linux, and Firefox for Linux and Internet Explorer may work, but are not officially supported.

Retired Members FAQ

Generally, yes. Retired members may receive a Basic COLA—an automatic adjustment to your monthly retirement allowance—effective July 1st of each year and payable to eligible members on the check dated July 31st. You may find additional information about COLA provisions here.
To set up direct deposit, please download, complete, and submit the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form. Please pay particular attention to the instructions on the first page of the form as they provide important information about processing deadlines.
Yes, but members must allow for delays and SFERS cannot guarantee prompt delivery of your check.

SFERS also offers international wire transfers to members who live abroad. Please visit the Direct Deposit page for more information.
To notify SFERS of a member’s death, you can contact us at 415-487-7044.
Yes. Once you have retired from the City you can work for any employer other than the City with limited restrictions. You can return to work for the City in a non-benefited position, however, you are limited to working no more than 960 hours in any fiscal year without affecting your pension benefit. Certain employment restrictions apply to disability retirees. For additional information about “work after retirement” provisions, refer to your Summary of Key Plan Provisions.
There may be several reasons why your monthly benefit amount would have changed. If the change occurred to your July 31st allowance, you may have received a Basic COLA. If the change occurred to your February 28th (or 29th) allowance, you may have received a Supplemental COLA (click here for information about COLA provisions). Adjustments to tax withholding or deductions for health premiums may also affect the amount of your monthly allowance. To verify any changes to your monthly benefit, contact the Retirement System at 415-487-7000.
Your entitlement to health benefits is administered under the City’s Health Services System (HSS). Visit the HSS website at, or contact HSS at (628) 652-4700 to inquire about health benefits.
Your pension allowance is payable on the last day of each month. The payment covers the period from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. If you sign up for direct deposit, your monthly allowance will generally post to your bank account no later than the evening of the payment authorization date (last day of the month). If you receive your benefit by physical check, your check will be delivered through the mail.
To update your address, log in to the secure member portal at After you log in, click the “edit” link next to your address.
Alternatively, you may submit a change of address form by mail. You can download and print the Change of Address Form, (link). After you complete the form, return it by mail to SFERS at 1145 Market Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103; or deliver your form to our drop box on the 6th Floor of 1145 Market Street, which is accessible Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
SFERS requires the original form and we do not accept copies via e-mail or fax.

Active Miscellaneous Members FAQ

A: The SFERS pension is a defined benefit plan. Under the law that governs defined benefit plans, there are no loan or withdrawal provisions.  If you participate in a defined contribution plan such as the City’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (SFDCP), provisions for loans, emergency and/or hardship withdrawals may be included. Check with your plan provider for details.
A: Most City employees who held a temporary position (not members of SFERS during the period of temporary appointment) prior to July 2, 1991, were not eligible for FICA coverage. Prior to July 2, 1991, most City employees became eligible for FICA upon becoming a member of SFERS. Since July 2, 1991, most City employees are covered under FICA regardless of whether or not they are SFERS members. You may contact the City’s Payroll and Personnel Services Department’s Tax Unit (with the Controller’s Office) to verify your FICA earnings/contributions for any period of City employment that does not appear on your Social Security Statement.
A: Purchasing prior City service does not give you retroactive membership. Therefore, your membership date will not change.
A: SFERS provides a monthly retirement allowance first payable on or after age 50 (age 53 for A8.603 Miscellaneous Plan  members) for members  1) with five or more years of service credit (as of date of separation); 2) not qualified for service retirement; and 3) who elect vesting within 90 days of termination of City employment.
A: Log in to mySFERS secure member portal and select the “Benefit Calculators” tab to estimate your service retirement or vesting benefit. You can access the benefits calculators 24/7 via mySFERS secure member portal and it takes just minutes.
A: You can initiate the application process for service retirement by scheduling a counseling session with a SFERS Retirement Counselor. Schedule your session to take place at least three months prior to your desired retirement date. According to Retirement Board policy, your retirement date may be on or after the first day of the month in which you file your application with SFERS.

To schedule a counseling appointment, log in to mySFERS to access the online Retirement Appointment Scheduler. If there are no appointments available online and you are retiring within three (3) months, contact us by email at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
A: Your first retirement check will be issued 30-45 days after the latter of 1) your application date, 2) your retirement date, or 3) the date of your last payroll check. SFERS must receive all earnings and contributions data though your last day of work to begin the calculation of your retirement benefit.
A: Pension payments are always issued on the last day of each month.  The allowance covers the period from the first day of the month to the last day of the month.
A: For information about eligibility for health benefits during retirement contact the City’s Health Services System (HSS) directly at (628) 652-4700 or visit the HSS website at  HSS administers health and dental benefits for active and retired SFERS members.
A: SFERS does not calculate service credit for retirement purposes for any periods of employment during which you are on “unpaid leave” status and/or are not receiving a salary from the City.
A: Under SFERS’ Reciprocity provisions you must terminate membership/employment with the current reciprocal plan, and within six (6) months after your termination date, become a member of the new reciprocal plan. Concurrent membership (whether on paid or unpaid status from any of the reciprocal plans through your termination date) will disqualify your eligibility for reciprocity. See “Reciprocity” on the SFERS website for additional information about qualifying for reciprocity.
A: You may designate any person or persons, your estate or a trust as your beneficiary. You can find additional information on beneficiaries in your Summary of Key Plan Provisions.
A: To change your address, contact the Payroll Officer in your department or the City’s Human Resources Department. The address information SFERS collects is for member communications and comes directly from each department’s payroll division.
A: The difference between these two dates can have a big effect on your retirement benefits over time. Members who retire on July 1st are eligible for Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) to their pension, when payable, effective on July 1st. Members who retire on July 2nd are not eligible to receive the COLA that was effective on the preceding July 1st because they were not retired on July 1st. These members will have to wait until July 1st of the following year to receive any COLA that may be payable.
A: If you live abroad, Federal law prohibits processing payments via traditional direct deposit to foreign accounts. However, SFERS does offer the option of receiving benefits via international wire transfer.

Please visit the Direct Deposit page for more information.
A: To view and print a verification of your account balance, log in to mySFERS and select “Account Balance Verification” under the Profile tab. To protect the privacy of our members, we do not provide account information to third parties (e.g., a mortgage company or financial institution) and we do not accept requests by fax, e-mail or telephone.
A: SFERS credits service to you as it is purchased.  The service you are purchasing will be reflected on your Annual Member Statement as “Credited Service (purchased)” once the purchase is complete.
A: Your City personnel file follows you from department to department whenever you change jobs. Therefore, the department with which you are currently employed can certify the period of leave as unpaid parental leave. If your department does not have a record of your leave or cannot determine the nature of the leave, they can contact SFERS and make arrangements to access timerolls/timesheets for the period of interest.
A: Log in to mySFERS to calculate an estimate of your benefit utilizing the benefits estimate calculators. Or, you can find the formula to calculate an estimate of your retirement benefit in the Summary of Plan Provisions corresponding to your SFERS Plan.
A: The earliest you can retire voluntarily for service is on or after attaining age 50 (age 53 for Miscellaneous Plan A8.603) and upon meeting the years of credited service qualifications for service retirement. You may apply for disability retirement regardless of age if you have at least 10 years of service credit. Refer to your Summary of Key Plan Provisions for detailed retirement qualifications.
A: You can initiate a disability retirement by scheduling a counseling session with a SFERS Retirement Counselor. To schedule a counseling appointment, log in to mySFERS to access the online Retirement Appointment Scheduler. If there are no appointments available online and you are retiring within three (3) months, contact us by email at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

The length of time it takes to approve your application depends on how quickly the supporting documents are received, the evidence and facts reviewed, and all issues pertaining to your disability are resolved.
A: Your pension will be paid to you throughout your lifetime.
A: SFERS does not pay your lump-sum entitlements. SFERS will notify your department once you have applied for retirement. Your department will process your lump-sum entitlements according to department procedure.
A: Since each case concerning community property is unique, you will need to contact SFERS at (415) 487-7065 to discuss your individual situation.
A: If you are a miscellaneous member who is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude committed in connection with your duties as an officer or employee of CCSF or member employer, you will forfeit your right to receive a monthly pension. Your contributions in the plan will be refunded to you.
A: While on Involuntary Leave status you continue to be a member of SFERS. However, you are not eligible to request a refund of your contributions, nor make any other benefit election until your status changes to Involuntary or Voluntary Lay-Off status.
A: Typically, you will receive your refund within eight (8) weeks from the latter of 1) your termination date, 2) the date of receipt of your last check, or 3) your refund request date.
Login into mySFERS to manage beneficiaries from your Beneficiary Dashboard.
A: A “beneficiary” is a person or persons, trust, or estate that you designate to receive a lump-sum benefit upon your death. A “qualified survivor” is a person that your SFERS plan provisions define as eligible to receive a monthly continuation allowance upon your death. Refer to your Summary of Key Plan Provisions for more details.
A: Yes. Once you have retired from the City you can work for any employer other than the City with limited restrictions. If you return to work for the City, you are limited to working no more than 960 hours in any fiscal year without affecting your pension benefit. If you are under age 62 on your effective retirement date, you must wait a minimum of 60 days after your retirement date before you can begin employment with the City as a retired employee. Certain employment restrictions apply to disability retirees. For additional information about “work after retirement” provisions, refer to your Summary of Key Plan Provisions and the Normal Retirement Age and Bona-Fide Separation Retirement Board Policies.

Active Safety Members FAQ

A: The SFERS pension is a defined benefit plan. Under the law that governs defined benefit plans, there are no loan or withdrawal provisions.  If you participate in a defined contribution plan such as the City’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (SFDCP), provisions for loans, emergency, and/or hardship withdrawals may be included. Check with your plan provider for details.
A: The service you purchased as a non-safety member is credited to you under the miscellaneous plan.  When you retire from the safety plan, the miscellaneous service will entitle you to a separate benefit calculated according to the miscellaneous provisions, but using your safety compensation. If you are not entitled to receive a miscellaneous benefit, your contributions and interest will be refunded to you.
A: SFERS does not calculate service for retirement purposes for any periods of employment during which you are on “unpaid leave” status and/or are not receiving a salary from the City.
A: Only service rendered with the City and County of San Francisco as a member in the safety (police and fire) plans is credited to you as safety service with SFERS. You may choose to either 1) leave the prior safety service with the prior plan, or 2) if your contributions were refunded to you, you may elect to purchase the service under the other plan as a “public service” with SFERS. Once the purchase is complete, the service will be credited to you as a service under the SFERS Miscellaneous Plan (provided you have other credited services under the miscellaneous plan with SFERS). Please note, if you took a refund, we recommend you inquire with the prior plan about opportunities for redeposit with that plan.
A: Log in to mySFERS to calculate an estimate of your benefit utilizing the benefits estimate calculators. Or, you can find the formula to calculate an estimate of your retirement benefit in the Summary of Plan Provisions corresponding to your SFERS Plan.
A: The earliest you can retire voluntarily for service is on or after attaining age 50 and upon meeting the qualifications for service retirement.  You may apply for ordinary disability retirement for non-job-related illness or injury regardless of age if you have at least 10 years of credited service. You may apply for industrial disability retirement for job-related illness or injury regardless of age or credited service. Refer to your Summary of Key Plan Provisions for detailed retirement qualifications.
A: You can initiate a disability retirement by scheduling a counseling session with a SFERS Retirement Counselor. To schedule a counseling appointment, log in to mySFERS to access the online Retirement Appointment Scheduler. If there are no appointments available online and you are retiring within three (3) months, contact us by email at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

The length of time it takes to approve your application depends on how quickly the supporting documents are received, the evidence and facts reviewed, and all issues pertaining to your disability are resolved.
A: For information about eligibility for health benefits during retirement contact the City’s Health Services System (HSS) directly at (628) 652-4700, or visit the HSS website at  HSS administers health and dental benefits for active and retired SFERS members.
A: Your first retirement check will be issued 30-45 days after the latter of 1) your application date, 2) your retirement date, or 3) the date of your last payroll check. SFERS must receive all earnings and contributions data through your last day of work to begin the calculation of your retirement benefit.
A: Pension payments are always issued on the last day of each month.  The allowance covers the period from the first day of the month to the last day of the month.
Login into mySFERS to manage beneficiaries from your Beneficiary Dashboard.
A: A disabled child may be eligible to receive a monthly allowance upon your death if the provisions of the Retirement Board Policy Regarding Qualification for Benefits for Dependent Adult Child or Dependent Parent Continuation Benefits are met. Contact SFERS by email at [email protected] for a copy of the policy.
A: Yes, but members must allow for delays and SFERS cannot guarantee prompt delivery of your check.
A: The difference between these two dates can have a big effect on your retirement benefits over time. Members who retire on July 1st are eligible for Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) to their pension when payable, effective on July 1st. Members who retire on July 2nd are not eligible to receive the COLA that was effective on the preceding July 1st because they were not retired on July 1st. Retiring on July 1 vs. July 2 may also impact the calculation of your lump-sum payouts from your department. You should inquire with your payroll department about this matter.
A: To view and print a verification of your account balance, log in to mySFERS and select “Account Balance Verification” under the Profile tab. To protect the privacy of our members, we do not provide account information to third parties (e.g., a mortgage company or financial institution) and we do not accept requests by fax, e-mail, or telephone.
A: SFERS credits service to you as it is purchased. The service you are purchasing will be reflected on your Annual Member Statement once the purchase is complete.
A: While on suspension without pay, you do not receive credit for retirement service. You may contact SFERS at the end of the suspension to inquire about the overall effect in credited service for the particular fiscal year(s). You cannot purchase service for a suspension period.
A: Under SFERS’ Reciprocity provisions you must terminate from the current plan, and within six (6) months after your termination date, become a member of the new plan. Concurrent membership (whether on paid or unpaid status from any of the reciprocal plans through your separation date) will disqualify your eligibility for reciprocity.  Refer to “Reciprocity” on the SFERS website for additional information about qualifying for reciprocity.
A: Log in to mySFERS secure member portal and select the “Benefit Calculators” tab to estimate your service retirement or vesting benefit. You can access the benefits calculators 24/7 via mySFERS secure member portal and it takes just minutes.
A: You can initiate the application process for service retirement by scheduling a counseling session with a SFERS Retirement Counselor. Schedule your session to take place at least three months prior to your desired retirement date. According to Retirement Board policy, your retirement date may be on or after the first day of the month in which you file your application with SFERS.

To schedule a counseling appointment, log in to mySFERS to access the online Retirement Appointment Scheduler. If there are no appointments available online and you are retiring within three (3) months, contact us by email at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
A: SFERS does not pay your lump-sum entitlements.  SFERS will notify your department once you have applied for retirement.  Your department will process your lump-sum entitlements according to department procedure.
A: Since each case concerning community property is unique, you will need to contact SFERS at (415) 487-7065 to discuss your individual situation.
A: Your pension will be paid to you throughout your lifetime.
A: You may designate any person or persons, your estate or a trust as your beneficiary.  You can find additional information on beneficiaries in your Summary of Key Plan Provisions.
A: A “beneficiary” is a person or persons, trust, or estate that you designate to receive a lump-sum death benefit upon your death.  A “qualified survivor” is a person that your SFERS plan provisions define as eligible to receive a monthly continuation allowance upon your death.  Refer to “Survivor Benefits” under your membership group, or your Summary of Key Plan Provisions for more details.
A: To change your address, you must contact the Human Resources or Payroll Officer in your department. The address information SFERS collects for member communications comes directly from each department’s payroll division.
A: If you live abroad, Federal law prohibits processing payments via traditional direct deposit to foreign accounts. However, SFERS does offer the option of receiving benefits via international wire transfer.

Please visit the Direct Deposit page for more information.
A: Yes. Once you have retired from the City you can work for any employer other than the City with limited restrictions. If you return to work for the City, you are limited to working no more than 960 hours in any fiscal year without affecting your pension benefit. If you are under age 50 on your effective retirement date, you must wait a minimum of 60 days after your retirement date before you can begin employment with the City as a retired employee. Certain employment restrictions apply to disability retirees. For additional information about “work after retirement” provisions, refer to your Summary of Key Plan Provisions and the Normal Retirement Age and Bona-Fide Separation Retirement Board Policies.

Proposition H – Age Factor for Firefighters in Charter Section A8.604 FAQ

The service retirement formula is Years of Credited Service x Age Factor x Final Pensionable Compensation = Monthly Service Retirement Benefit. The maximum benefit is 90% of average final pensionable compensation.

If you retire on or after January 1, 2025, the age factor will cap at 3.0% at age 55.

Your benefit will be calculated using the age factor associated with your age on your retirement date.
No. This Charter Amendment applies only to members who retire on or after January 1, 2025. If you retire before that date, your benefit amount will not be affected.
No. Because your service retirement date is before January 1, 2025, this Charter Amendment does not affect the amount of your service retirement benefit. This Amendment has no impact on the calculation of Industrial Disability Retirement benefits.
The retirement formula is Years of Credited Service x Age Factor x Final Pensionable Compensation = Monthly Service Retirement Benefit. The maximum benefit is 90% of average final pensionable compensation.

If you separate before January 1, 2025, the age factor will cap at 3.0% at age 58.

Your benefit will be calculated using the age factor associated with your age on your retirement date.
Your SFERS membership date determines your plan. If you became a SFERS member on or after January 7, 2012, you are in this plan. You can also log in to the secure member portal at to see your plan and use the service retirement calculator to estimate your retirement benefit.
Please reference your Summary Plan Provisions for Charter Section A8.604. The updated age factor table is in the Summary Plan Provisions document. You can also log in to the secure member portal to estimate your benefits using the service retirement calculator.

Proposition I – Public Safety Communications Personnel FAQ

The benefits of the Miscellaneous Safety Plan differ from those of the Miscellaneous Plan. While the service retirement formula allows for an earlier retirement age and a larger maximum annual benefit, the contribution rates are higher. The following link summarizes the Miscellaneous Safety Plan contribution rates effective January 4, 2025.
Years of Credited Service x Age Factor x Final Pensionable Compensation = Monthly Service Retirement Benefit. The maximum benefit is 90% of your average final pensionable compensation.

Covered Compensation and credited service before January 4, 2025, will remain in the Miscellaneous Plan associated with your membership date. Credited service earned in both plans will be combined to determine your eligibility for service retirement or vesting. Upon retirement, you will receive two benefits, one calculated under the terms of the Miscellaneous Plan and one calculated under the terms of the Miscellaneous Safety Plan.
If you are a member of the Miscellaneous Safety Plan, you are eligible for a service retirement at age 50 with 5 or more years of credited service. If you also have credited service in a SFERS Miscellaneous Plan, the credited service in both plans will be combined to determine your eligibility for service retirement or vesting. Members with credited service in the Miscellaneous Safety and Miscellaneous plans must meet the eligibility requirement of both plans in order to retire. Please note that the minimum age requirement for the Tier III A8.603 plan is age 53.
For more detailed information regarding disability retirement benefits, please reference the Summary Plan Provisions for the Miscellaneous Safety Plan (Charter Section A8.610)
No. The Charter Amendment requires that all members in Civil Service Classes 8238, 8239, and 8240, become members of the Miscellaneous Safety Plan starting January 4, 2025.
Proposition I does not impact employee social security payroll withholding, and therefore these deductions will continue. Public Safety Communications Dispatchers (8238), Public Safety Communications Supervisors (8239), and Public Safety Communications Coordinators (8240) will continue to have Social Security withheld from payroll.
Reference the Miscellaneous Safety Plan Summary Provisions (Charter Section A8.610) l You can also log in to the secure member portal to estimate your benefits using the service retirement and vesting calculators.

Proposition I – P103 Per Diem Nurse Service Purchase FAQ

Registered Nurses eligible to purchase time in a P103 Per Diem position may submit an application to Purchase P103 Per Diem Nurse Service Credit to SFERS. Log in to the mySFERS member portal, select the Service Purchase tab, and then select the P103 Per Diem Nurse Service Purchase Application.
The Application requires that your department certify that you:
(i) have worked an average of not less than 32 regularly-scheduled hours per week for at least one calendar year before the purchase; and
(ii) have not concurrently worked in one of the Registered Nurse job classifications listed above during the time you worked in the P103 Per Diem appointment for which you seek to purchase service credit.
Once the application is complete and certified by the department, submit the original to SFERS. SFERS will review it and provide the cost for the purchase if you are eligible. You can then make a service purchase appointment to meet with a SFERS counselor and execute the purchase.
The service retirement formula is Years of Credited Service x Age Factor x Final Pensionable Compensation = Monthly Service Retirement Benefit. Purchasing additional service credit will increase your monthly retirement benefit up to the 75% cap.
The cost to purchase the service will be calculated as follows:
Your compensation at the time the P103 Per Diem RN service was rendered; multiplied by
The retirement contribution rate percentage in effect at the time the service was rendered; plus

You can pay for purchasing the service as follows:
Lump sum payment (after-tax);
Pretax or after-tax payroll deductions; or
Direct tax-deferred rollovers

You must purchase your P103 retirement service credit in reverse chronological order, i.e., the most recent years first.  In addition, your service purchase must be completed before your effective retirement date.  See the SFERS Service Purchase Guide for details.
Upon full completion of the purchase of a period of P103 Per Diem Nurse employment, the purchased service will then be credited as Prior Service in the SFERS plan and will show in your SFERS annual member statement. Please note that purchasing this service does not establish membership in the retirement system nor change your membership date.
Reference the applicable Miscellaneous Plan Summary Provisions. You can also log in to the secure member portal to estimate your benefits using the service retirement and miscellaneous vesting calculators.